Philipa Gleeson-Payne Image

Philipa Gleeson-Payne

Certified Health Coaching Practitioner

Leader in Personal Adaption

Empowering Mothers And Changing Lives!

Hey there, it’s Philipa.

I'm a health professional working with Mothers of teenagers and helping them manage the stress and worry that comes with the territory of these most often turbulent teen years. That may mean training people to breath properly, to stretch to relax, to take control of their nervous system, or to do a complete overhaul of your entire body and mind.

Teenagers may not think it, but right now they need you more than ever, and you need to be stronger, healthier and calmer than you even thought was possible!

That wonderful stage of your child's life as they transition from being dependent on you for everything to becoming more independant, where they push, test and stretch any boundaries you previously thought were in place.

Now is the perfect time to reclaim your identity, and tune in to the needs of your changing relationship so you can support them while also creating some much needed peace and calm to your own day. The answers to many of your frustrations may be simpler than you realise, but the benefits of making some simple changes puts you back in the driver's seat to be the role model for your child.

If only they came with a manual ... instead they believe they can write their own manual, will throw a curve ball without notice, and expect you to be ready with the solutions to any mistake they make. It's an emotional roller coaster where any answer you suggest seems to be the wrong one. You want to help them but sometimes you just don't know what to do.

Can you relate:

✔ being in your home, heart racing, shoulders tense, and you're tiptoeing around in your socks ... lest you disturb them.

✔ you never seem to be doing or saying the 'right' thing anymore, it's like living with a 'live' wire that's ready to pivot and strike the nearest object.

✔ If you do disturb them, they come eyes blazing with a look that should only be reserved for that piece of gum that's firmly fixed itself to the bottom of your shoe.

✔ Or you leave them to their own devices, when really they need your advice and support and they tell you you're never there for them.

The joys of parenting teenagers are complex!

If only they'd tell you what they needed from you like they used to.

If only you knew they'd be ok when they grown up and become adults.

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Let’s be real who hasn’t felt that sudden shock when your adorable child turns into a rebellious teenager, pushing boundaries and testing your limits.

They start to answer back, question your judgment and authority, and roll their eyes at you cos you’d ‘never’ understand what they are going through. And Suddenly they are seeking guidance peers, popstars and celebrities for information about life.

I not someone who is a “Coach” just by title, I hold a legitimate coaching certification and understands that everyone learns differently. We are all unique, our brains operate differently and coaching shouldn’t be a one size fits all activity. I’m also open, honest and will share both sides of a story in an unbiased way.

Philipa Gleeson-Payne - children reading image

Can you imagine:

  • feeling calm and relaxed the minute you walk in the front door

  • your family being able to laugh and enjoy each others' company

  • the satisfaction you feel knowing you've done your best to equip your child with the life skills they'll need to face any challenges ahead

  • being an Inspiration to your children as they see you living a life you love and enjoy, knowing they respect and admire your choices

  • being able to enjoy your life today, and not wait til they're fully grown, have left home, and are looking after themselves

The Power of
Personal Growth

I originally created After Change to help women through any events that generally changed their lives. From big changes, like my sons life altering brain injury, or the loss of a house in a flood, to smaller changes like moving house, changing jobs, or a child starting at a new school. Any change can force us out of our comfort zone and make us question who we are, what we value, and what we have to offer the world. They can also have a huge effect on our ability to handle new stresses thrown at us.

After my son's accident I had to dig deep for the courage and strength I needed for his care and rehabilitation. I also had 3 other dependent children and my husband travelled as much as he was at home. My anxieties, fears and worries took a tight grip of me and I started to lack a sense of control of my days and felt more isolated than ever before. The needs of my 3 daughters were also very real and I started to lack the confidence that I could give them what they needed, and felt like I didn't have the energy left to connect with them like I wanted to.

I doubled down on my desire to be the best mum I could be. I sought the help I knew I needed, worked with coaches and started to explore every modality of healing and took every opportunity for personal development I could find!

Today here I stand as the happiest, healthiest and strongest person I can remember being in my entire life. With that in the bag, and with the personal experience of my complete transformation as my inspiration, I've re-ignited my love of coaching and spent the past two years developing a completely new program unlike anything I can find, anywhere in the world.

My signature coaching program has been designed specifically for mothers of children in their teen years and is underpinned by the three pillars of CHI (Coaching the Mind and Body, Habits, & Integration). It takes the best of the core elements of everything I've explored, learned and experienced first hand, and incorporates a powerful combination of neuroscience, mindfulness, and the traditional elements of health and wellness. I only ever work in very small groups so that each client gets individual attention and a unique coaching plan.

I was at breaking point before I made this incredible journey. Please don't wait that long to make your life easier and calmer. You don't have to feel like you are drowning. It can be better!

Do not look back on your life and think "If only I'd...."

Let me help you navigate your journey as you take control of your own life and show your children how to do it. Be the wonderful inspiration they crave to see how to live and love life.

I invite you to read how I have supported mothers with children going through...

Brain Injury

Suicide, suicide ideation and self harm.

Body Dysmorphia / eating disorders

Sexual Assault

Natural Disasters and Loss

Social and sporting anxiety

Don't look back thinking "If only I'd ..."'

I can help you stop wondering What If, and If Only ... and start you on an important journey of self-discovery and transformation.

To learn more schedule a free introductory call with me today.

If you change the way you look at things,

the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer



Work With Me



Australia +61 488 858 161
USA +1 408 8786 770


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